I'm Back ... Again

Friday, April 18, 2008

Okay, so it's only taken 10 months for me to find it in myself to blog again. I'm not sure what that says about me, but much has changed since last June, all for the positive.

In September, I began renting studio space in downtown Nashville where this photography business now calls home. It's on the third floor of the very historic Village Green Building, less than a block west of the Brown County Courthouse on Main Street. My lease limits the walk-in-off-the-street business I can have, which works out great for me since working full-time at the newspaper keeps me from being in the studio on a regular basis.

Since opening the studio, however, I've kept very busy. And having a new set of Alien Bee AB-800 studio strobes to work with is making the process of creating portraits so much easier.

I've also launched a monthly e-mail newsletter for former, current and future customers and others interested in what we're doing with the studio. For a look at issue No. 1 click here. To subscribe, e-mail me here. We'll also be sending out special offers on prints, sitting fees and more every now and then.

So I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that I can keep this up now. The third time is a charm, right? In the next few days I'll post some photos from a few of the more memorable studio sittings we've done.

Until then ...

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