The End Is Near!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Here sit I, tap-tap-tapping out yet another in an inconsistent series of entries on my life, my family, my community.
But I’m tired … tired of writing, tired of thinking, tired of caring about anything more than my family and photography.
This is my swansong as far as the emphasis of this blog is concerned. I am, first and foremost, a father, then a husband and thirdly a photographer. And that, my friends, is my renewed focus.
Out the window with the tribulations I suffered while attempting to find just the right name for this blog. Off with the heads of government officials who have wronged rights. Yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah ... blech!
In with family, fun and photographs. And, hopefully, a renewed interest in keeping this updated. Perhaps, down the road, I can turn it in to a “picture-a-day” type of blog, too. We’ll see.
Meanwhile, sit back and let’s enjoy this ride together. And if you have any suggestions on what name to give this blog, e-mail me here and we’ll see what comes up.