Just Pastoring Through
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Tomorrow, the entire congregation of the Nashville United Methodist Church will find out what some others of us have only recently learned.
Our pastor is leaving.
The decision to depart isn't his, mind you, but that of the Bishop and a committee of District Superintendents. It is,unfortunately, a normal occurence in the United Methodist faith.
Tom came to our church about four years ago from Bloomington, where he was an associate pastor. The single father was very amicable and had a fantastic rapport with the younger generation of our congregation, my family included.
Since moving to Brown County, Tom has been an active participant in his sons' school and sports activities, unlike many parents these days. Our congregation has grown significantly under his leadership, and for that we are grateful.
Now we must trust God to direct the leadership in our area to deliver us someone who will be as successful as Tom has been. My concerns, however, are many.
While I do put all my faith in Him, the Bishop and District Superintendents, I fail to appreciate the need for these moves.
Ultimately, I am happy for Tom. This certainly means that his work here has not gone unnoticed. If there is another congregation with needs similar to the ones ours had before he arrived, he is certain to meet them head-on, succesfully.
Often, the right thing to do is the uncomfortable thing. I wish Tom, Manuel and José all the best in Evansville.